Kids Twist & Slouch - Digital Sewing Pattern - dolman style top
Kids Twist & Slouch - Digital Sewing Pattern - dolman style top
With this file you receive instructions, a printable PDF file, an AO file and a projector file. This pattern features layers so that you can turn on and off the sizes that you would like to use. This allows for a clearer image for line cutting AND saves printer ink. We include band pieces AND a cut chart.
Style/Fit info:
12m to Youth 20
You can choose from short or long sleeve. Back options are: Twist, Layered or Solid Back. Also, you can do a hood or neck band.
Fabrics: You can use anything with a 5% lycra blend for the bands. We have tested Rib Knit, Waffle, cotton lycra, French Terry & bamboo. Even some mesh and lace fabrics. Because its such a loose top you have a lot of options HOWEVER the neck band MUST be a structured knit with 5% lycra. If you use a loose knit it will stretch and be floppy.
With this file you are welcome to sell finished items that you have sewn with this pattern - though the rights to the pattern stay with RockerByeDestash Patterns. You do not have the right to share or sell this file.
TikTok of fit:
This listing is for a DIGITAL FILE ONLY of the PDF pattern - no sewn item will be sent.