Kids Rockapalazzo Pants - Multiple options available - Digital PDF Sewing Pattern
Kids Rockapalazzo Pants - Multiple options available - Digital PDF Sewing Pattern
Style/Fit info:
14" to 36.5" hip.
You can choose from: mid-thigh shorts, knee-high, capri or long length inseams.
*Inseams of children vary greatly at the young ages - we grade for the high end of the height chart so for a perfect fit measure the inseam to where you would like them to hit and add 1/2" or 1" for your preferred hem. *
It also includes optional side pocket options for a flat or gathered style.
Fabrics: You can use anything with a 5% lycra blend. We have tested athletic, squish, cotton lycra, French Terry & bamboo.
With this file you are welcome to sell finished items that you have sewn with this pattern - though the rights to the pattern stay with RockerByeDestash Patterns. You do not have the right to share or sell this file.
TikTok of fit:
This listing is for a DIGITAL FILE ONLY of the PDF pattern - no sewn item will be sent.