UPDATE! Two things! Not like f*b is showing anything today anyways, lets pretend you might see this :( BUT Pouch 13 is done tonight. Its going to be amazing and there's not a ton in so far so expect even less than usual for leftovers... If you want one be sure to grab it tonight before midnight. Two: After multiple requests I added an option for 3 yards instead of 5. The rules are the same... its 3 yard min per print/base. So no, not 3 squish in 3 prints. One print and one base for every 3 yards. I hope this helps a little! I will leave it up through the next round, too. But if you want it super fast get it in tonight with pouch and it'll be quick. Its a little more per yard to offset the higher shipping on small weights but I think it will be a great option! You prints, my prints, shutterstock, whatever... just nothing hateful and nothing licensed. We don't do those things here. Hope this helps a bit!