Stuffing your Rockerbye into Adorableness!

Stuffing your Rockerbye into Adorableness!

I'm so excited for this little blog!  Not only did it all turn out adorable, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and am now ready to tackle some other more difficult things!  I'm talking about stuffies/Plushies/Lovies- whatever you want to call them.  Stuffed adorable critters and dolls for you and your kiddos!  

Perusing Facebook, I saw an adorable bunny lovey someone made and they linked the free pattern.  Stuffies have always scared me but only the head and tail were stuffed on this so I thought... maybe I could do it.  With baby girl coming in a few months I'm enjoying making the things I didn't get the chance to when my boys were born so I figured I'd give it ago.   Whelp it turned out so adorable iI ended up doing a whole set to go with it!   I feel like I gave myself a baby shower gift lol!  I just wish I knew about this all before my friends all had their babies because they would all get personalized sets!  Now on to the pattern-

Like I said it's FREE and from Unlikely Nest.   All you have to do is subscribe to her newsletter.   She also has a paid version available as well, if you want to support the designer, and some other cute patterns here including a dino lovey!  For my version, I used the super soft double gauze and some sherpa I had lying around it and turned out so cute. It came together really fast and easy surprisingly!   You won't want to use just double gauze for any part that has stuffing but if you were to line it, it'd work no problem. I can't wait to see my little squish all cuddled up with this!   Really the possibilities are endless and there are so many ways to make it your own with appliques, personalization, different fabric combos, etc.  I'm pretty sure a zombie bunny is next on my list!  I can't wait to see all of your Rockerbye bunnies!!  Bonus- say you want a lot of different bunnies,  the bunny belly fits perfectly on the gauze scrap packs! You'd just need to pick something different for the ears but even a matching solid would be so cute!!  Pick a few of your favorites from the scrap pack and use the rest for washcloths. Win-win! There are even some retail gauze packs up for grabs here.   Now you can really use any fabric base for these just gauze sounded soft and sweet for baby and it's what I had. 

Well, I had extra gauze so I made a full little set including a satin bound blanket and burp rag!  I'm actually really excited about this burp rag.  If you've had kiddos you probably know that pre-fold diapers actually make the best burp rags but really aren't that pretty to look at.   So I just cut some gauze squares the same size and serged them on to the ends, ran a few stitches through the middle and bam, adorable burp rag with just as much absorbancy!! Now I have the perfect little Rockerbye set ready for her that will only get softer with every wash! 

Now that we have bunnies under our belts I wanted to share with you guys some other patterns out there that are favorites from the Rockerbye Strikers! 

First up, this adorable doll from Max and Meena!  It's not free but absolutely worth it and a great scrap buster!! Another bonus!!  Jamie from Max and Meena is seriously the best and giving one of you all the pattern for free!! Just enter the raffelcopter below!! 

Max and Meena Twinkie Doll


Next up- I know you've seen these around-  The adorable Bat Plushie and more from Choly Knight Patterns!  They have a TON of free ones and some amazing paid ones too! Look at these adorable bats from Andrea of Pookey Poo Creations!

Here are a few more from Choly Knight Patterns  that I think would be adorable in Rockerbye! 

This next one is paid but absolutely adorable!  This Penguin Plushie  from Ribizli Design turned out amazing in Penguin Minky from Jillian of Wubby and Squish! (Are you not into making your own but want some plushies in Rockerbye?? Check out her shop! She's absolutely amazing!) 

This Made for Mermaids Barnacle Buddy freebie is so cute and you can make one match your kiddo or even let your kiddo choose!

Looking for something a little more simple to start with?? I could see an awesome Rockerbye Patterns for Pirates Emoji Pillow happening!


If you want maybe a little different and smaller style doll, Alexis of Cotton and Grain Sewing Co recommends this freebie from Pepper Doll Pattern!  How cut is hers here?? (She shortened the arms a bit) 

Another doll pattern that came highly recommended although a paid version is Heidi and Finn Pals.  There are animals, mini pals, pillow pals, holiday pals, and more. You can also make clothing to change their outfits! 

 Alexis of Cotton and Grain Sewing Co.  .  made these pals - can you imagine them in little Rockerbye outfits!?


Next on my list is absolutely going to happen for Baby Girl with some epic Rockerbye prints!  It's paid for but these Peekaboo Patterns Baby Toy Basics  are so cute!

Now for some scrap busting after we cut all our amazing holiday sews from the Holiday round we'll all be getting soon! 

Made For Mermaids Christmas Tree Garland 

Made For Mermaids Christmas Tree and Stocking Ornaments

And finally- this one has been on my must-do list forever- not really for my kids but for me lol!  A giant free stuffed Nessie Pattern

Phew!  I know there are a ton more stuffie patterns out there but hopefully, this gives you a few to try out for some scrap busting or even just sewing your Rockerbye stash!  Still a little nervous to try a stuffie for the first time?? Well, you are in luck!  Keep an eye on the Rockerbye Destash BST and Sew-a-long page as the lovely Danielle will be hosting a stuffie sew-a-long in the next few weeks! The pattern is still up in the air so if you have a request let her know!  

We are so excited to see what you all make!  Remember don't forget to share your Rockerbye sews in the group! Also enter the Max and Meena Pattern giveaway below and check out their Facebook Group

Happy Sewing and Rocking,



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I’ve never made a stuffie, these are cute!


New to your blog and Facebook page. I love it. All those patterns look great. I like the baby toys and stuffies. Not sure which one I wanna try first😁


I already have stuff bought for multiple emoji pillows. But my brother loves penguins, and I haven’t seen that pattern before, and this penguin pattern is really cute. So even though my brother is in his 30’s he’ll be getting a stuffie from his big sister. 💙


So looking forward to trying out the bunny! I’ve even got a yard of gauze I can use!!

janelle b

Thank you! I keep saving all the stuffies and then forgetting where I saved them.

Amy Jensen

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