It's Vest Weather!

It's Vest Weather!

My favorite time of year is here-  Official Vest Season! (not that you can't wear them in summer but you know).  I'll admit- I have a bit of obsession with vests.  If you look at my sewing history you'll find a lot of them.  I'm also obsessed with faux fur... once again you'll find a lot of it.  It's only natural since I have Rockerbye vests that Sutton needed one too! 

So here we are- Me featuring one of my favorite vest patterns out there-  Especially for the littles because it's so fast! I bring to you-  Twig and Tale's  Pathfinder Vest!  Woohoo! Twig and Tale actually has all my favorite vest patterns but today we will focus on the Pathfinder.   There are multiple sizes to choose from including  Baby- Preemie to 12M, Child- 12-18m through size 10, and Women's sizing!

They are all loaded with options-  I'm going to save you some reading and me some typing and show you all the graphics!  Here are all the options for the Baby and Child vest.


And for the Women's

They even come with some extra add on options you can look into!

The Pathfinder Vests are designed for woven fabric which is perfect for our woven base we offer now.   In terms of warmth- you can really make it as warm or cool as you want depending on your lining choice.   As you can see for Sutton's version- I chose the short length for a more "rocker" look (I also love the long version).   I also picked the pixie hood because I just can't say no to that and then obviously lined it with a faux fur. How amazing is this combo!?

I really like my vests to do double duty so I like to make them reversible. If you are wanting to do that- you'll simple sew each vest layer as it's own one piece per the directions-  do not attach the hoods together yet.   Once you have two full pieces you'll lay them right sides together and stitch all the way around leaving your arm holes unsewn.  You'll then turn your vest right side out through one of the armholes.  Finally, you'll fold each armhole seam allowance inward towards each other and topstitch them closed! You'll just have to add an extra button/enclosure on each side to be able to close it while wearing reversed.

Here are a few fun other Pathfinder Vest examples I've made in the past.   

I'm totally thrilled how this version turned out-  Monochrome is my total favorite but adding the pop of color with the faux fur just took it too a whole new level!  What do you think? Make sure you check out Twig and Tale's Facebook page for some more fun vest inspiration!

Finally, We wanted to bring you all the chance to make your own fun vests with our woven so we are doing a giveaway to celebrate the Monochrome round!  Enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win a free woven yard of your choice! Don't forget the Pre-Order closes on 11/8 so get those orders in! 

Happy Sewing and Rocking,


a Rafflecopter giveaway  


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What a sweet girl! And those jackets are beautiful!


The faux fur on that vest is AMAZING

Katie Ybarr

The faux fur on that vest is AMAZING

Katie Ybarr

This is adorable. I have a second grandchild on the way. They will be getting all the goodies.
Loving the toxic fabric.

Penny williams

I love these so much! The possibilities are endless.

Tara Kerfoot

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