Its Giving Tuesday and if there's one thing we love doing around here - its raising money! With Covid numbers rising and winter on the way Face to Face could use our help now more than ever. If you have missed out in the past - here is some info on Face to Face and why we so often choose to support them.
"Since 1972, Face to Face has been serving young people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in Ramsey County. Today, we provide comprehensive medical care, mental healthcare, housing support, case management, employment training and support, and other social services to low-income and insecurely housed youth ages 11 to 24.
Face to Face served over 2,500 youth between the ages of 11 and 24 last year. We connected with an additional 5,500 youth through our health education outreach. The vast majority (over 85 percent) of our young people are people of color and 17 percent identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community."
Different ways to donate:
You can also send payment directly via PayPal to:
Or through their Facebook page donate button:
You can also make a commitment to send them any of the requested items (amazon is great for this so you don't have to pay shipping)
<3 thank you for all you do! donated :)